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Legal Documents

Welcome to the Legal Documents section of Cargo 4S

In this section, you will find comprehensive legal documents that provide clear guidelines and terms for our services and collaborations. These documents form the basis of our mutual understanding and cooperation with you, our valued client. We recommend that you review them to fully comprehend the scope, responsibilities, and protections involved in our partnership.

Click on the links below to access each document:

General Conditions of Forwarding Services Agreement: 
This document sets out the general terms and conditions under which we offer our forwarding services.

Agreement for Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information:
A mutual agreement that outlines the commitment of both Cargo 4S and our clients to maintain confidentiality and protect sensitive information.

Forwarding Services Agreement:
Designed for long-lasting collaboration and regular orders, this agreement details the ongoing contractual relationship between Cargo 4S and our clients for continuous service provision.

Order for Freight Forwarding Services:
Used for placing single orders, this document formalizes the specific terms and conditions for individual forwarding service requests.


If you have any questions or require further clarification about any of these documents, please feel free to contact us.